March 2009

Tried a new theme, but decided it was too hard to read. I think I like this one better, but I’ll give it a couple days…

The words are flowing nicely at the moment and I am beginning my favorite part of any manuscript–the middle.  The first few chapters are invariably devoted to character introduction and a certain amount of explicaton/back story.  It’s a challenge to do it creatively.  The end…  well, I’m always feeling a bit depressed when I get to the last third, and also distracted by whatever I think I am going to work on next.  But the middle–that is when the action starts to build, important things happen, characters are brought together or torn apart.  I love it!

Last Friday was my 50th birthday.  I had a great weekend, with lots of fun presents and excellent company.  I set myself two fitness goals for my half-century mark: to be able to do 10 manly press ups, and to run to the top of our local mountain, Flagstaff.  Here is a picture of it:

320px-flagstaffdunedinI did pretty well, but I had to stop a couple of times on my way to the top!

EDIT:  Oh yeah, I did 9 and a half press ups.

If you click on the following link:

it will take you to the Dunedin Public Libraries website, where you will see that they have acquired Heart of Hythea for their permanent NZ authors collection.  Which is pretty funny, since I’m not actually from NZ, and the book isn’t about NZ.  But I’ll take it!

Also, Ketha’s Daughter, the paperback, is up on Amazon.

Just back from a lovely weekend down at Purakaunui Bay, just me and DH for a change.  We went for a long walk up to a place called Titan Bluff, only we turned around before we actually reached it.  We didn’t know how much further we had to go, and we were going to lose the daylight.  Later, when we checked the map we discovered that it was a good thing we didn’t try to make it to the top.  We were only a little beyond the halfway point when we turned around!  Next time we will start out in the morning and bring some lunch.

I should finish chapter eight of Summermoon Fire before the end of the weekend.  I think it’s going well.

My word counter has finally moved, and I have something to blog about. I was stuck in the story a little bit, and trying too hard to get round it. Once I stopped thinking about solutions then the perfect thing pops into my head!

I’ve also been working on the cover for book II of Song of the Arkafina, which will be coming out in paperback on March 10th, I hope…