One of the main characters of Sons of the Mariner, Jakob Faircrow, has been interviewed by Pat Bertram.

See it here…

I know it’s hard to tell, but my word counter has moved! Yesterday I was laying about, feeling awful from a runny nose/sore throat/cold thingy, when inspiration struck…

I figured out where to go with Summermoon Fire, and I managed to synopsize eighteen chapters before the end of the day.

Gotta love it!

add to furl :: Digg it :: add to ma.gnolia :: Stumble It! :: add to simpy :: seed the vine :: :: :: TailRank

Well, I have been taking it easy for the last month, but it is time to get back to writing.  Actually, for me, not writing is much harder than writing, and I’ve only been taking a break because everyone in my family demanded it!  🙂

But enough, already!  I’m ready to start Summermoon Fire, the second book in the Sons of the Mariner…

So–I’ve refreshed my widget, sharpened my keyboard, and poured a fresh, steaming hot cup of words.  Let the fun begin!